Tuesday, September 21, 2010

is at hand any opening ican renovation hardsik of my laptop near the one within desktop...?

i hold xp on both system..but the desktop has a larger harddisk space so is at hand any way i can switch harddisk...please..abet...can i do it home..or it require any labor..or anything..


You cannot put the desktop drive directly into the laptop but you can buy an adapter that will go from a 40 pin - 44 pins. Standard IDE drives are 40 pins, laptop HDs use 44 pins.

I own never hooked my desktop drive to my laptop, but I have hooked my laptop HD to my desktop.

The drive will be agreed by Windows XP as the next drive communication and you'll be able to access the notes.

There shouldn't be a reason why you couldn't travel the other way and use the adaptor to hook your desktop drive to your laptop.

Search the drive manufacturer web site and find the pin-out to ensure you hook it up correctly. Obviously, the drive will not fit inside the laptop, but you should be able to access it.

Why do you necessitate to do this? Maybe there is an easier mode to accomplish what you need to do.

Make sure you backup your facts prior to doing this, you could possibly fry your drive if you don't hook things up properly.

Good luck!
No. They aren't even the same size.
no... theyre not interchangable. I would recommend an external intricate drive.

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